Monday, December 10, 2012

Awful Mac N Cheese

So yesterday Flute Jim, Marley, and I tried to tackle a homemade meal.  This meal consisted of grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, macaroni and cheese, and plain noodles (Marley doesn't like mac n' cheese).  This was a good plan in theory, I'm a pretty good cook.  I mean, I'm not like my roommate who blows up microwaves. However, I didn't realize I'm the only good cook out of the three of us.

I left Flute Jim in charge of the macaroni and cheese, since he's made it before.  I don't know how it hard it is to screw up Easy Mac, but somehow he managed to do just that.  It tasted super buttery and he overcooked the noodles. It was just a mess.  But I felt weird about throwing away a huge pot of Easy Mac out, it's not good to waste things.  So what do we do, call our friend Cass.  He was sure to eat it.

Flute Jim calls him up, and we wait.  It must have taken Cass at least twenty minutes to thirty minutes to show up to our apartment.  That may seem like a reasonable amount of time, but he lives only a floor up.  It should really take him like five.  It took him so long because he went to Flute Jim's apartment instead of mine, and had to walk all the way back for terrible Easy Mac.  It was probably the funniest thing ever.

P.S. Thankfully, Cass liked the macaroni and finished the entire pot.  God only knows how he liked it though.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Finals Week Preparations

Finals week is fast approaching.  Yikes!  The only comfort that I have in finals week is that after I somehow get by it will be winter break, and I finally get to go home.  I'm so excited, honestly.  As much as I love Pittsburgh, I miss my crazy stupid friends and Long Island.  Plus my family, it's been too long.  Anyway, with finals week only a few short days away you'd think my roommate, Marley, and I would try and get some studying in early.  Or at least that's what you might think if you didn't know us well.  Or maybe you do know that the two of us studying for finals early is complete crap, which it is.  So instead we filled our "studying" time with more stupid and fun things.

What were these stupid things, well for one we spent at least two and a half hours making stupid videos and posting them on our friends's walls.  In actuality, we only ended up finishing two of these videos, mostly because we wanted them to be funny, planned out, and awesome.  Getting all of these components in one  shot was a challenge, which is why it took us two hours.  That and the fact that I was falling all over the place, literally. We did this parody of Gangnam Style by PSY and at one point in the video Marley pushes me out of the way.  Of course me being me flies across the room taking down anything in my path.  I swear my shoulder is still sore from crashing into our lounge chair.  Also the universe was not on my side at all that night, it's like it knew I had a final I should be studying for and made sure I'd trip over every little obstacle that crossed my path.  Overall, it was a good time and while I am now forever embarrassed on Facebook (yes these videos are on Facebook...) it was a far better way to spend the night than to study for my Music Final.

P.S. The best comment on these videos by far was from my friend Nick who responded "What the crap."  Clearly, he forgot how weird and stupid Marley and I can really be.  Never underestimate our weirdness haha

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Far Away Faces

Have you ever seen a stranger pass you or from across the way and thought, damn that person looks so much like me?  I'm not talking about your siblings or parents here, I'm talking about your doppelganger.

I personally have never experienced this myself, but my friend Chloe was convinced that she had found hers, in guy form that is.  It was the funniest thing ever.  Chloe and I are in the band, so every home football game we sit in the stands and there is this guy who always sits in the front row of the student section and we (Chloe, myself, and my other friends Hailee, Jenny, and Bri) thought he looked a lot like her.  She noticed this at the first game and every game since then, its just become this running joke.

Yesterday was our last game of the season hooray! This kid, of course, was sitting in the front row like usual. So Chloe up and decided that she was going to go up to this guy and be like, "You look like me and yeah..." It was the last game of the season and she probably would never run into him again.  For halftime we do a halftime show and most of us usually have to walk by the student section to get to our spots.  She was going to talk to him when they walked by.  So she goes, and then I hear later (I didn't have to walk by the student section to get to my spot) that this kid looked nothing like her up close.  It was probably the funniest thing I've heard, considering the whole season we've basically been laughing about how he looks like her.  So she hadn't found her doppelganger yet, hey they might not even exist.  Who knows, I'll have to get back to you on this one.  But if there's one thing this proves its that a person looks different from far away then up close, so keep that in mind on your adventures.

P.S. I'm so glad football season is over!  As much as I love band, I hate sitting through football games.  Remind me again why I signed up for marching band?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

That Awkward Moment When Shit Hits The Fan....Randomnly

So last night I went to this party, it started around 10 and my friends and I got there around 10:45/11:00. You'd think we had missed that awkward moment when everyone has yet to arrive.  However, by the time we got there, there was literally no one there and it was so awkward.  My friends and I got our drinks, and as the night started to progress it was looking like it was going to be a pretty boring one.  The only bright side was that the music playlist was looking like a good one.

I honestly thought it was going to be a lame night though, my buddy Cankle (that's his nickname, don't ask) was all over the place.  I could not take him seriously, like there were many points where I had to just walk away.  The girl to guy ratio was also terrible, and the night was just not looking good.

Then, more people started to arrive and all of a sudden my friend Bethany's ex-girlfriend walks in.  Excuse me, I need to correct myself, her CRAZY PSYCHO ex-girlfriend walks in.  I'd like to mention that she's also a minor, what she's doing at a college party is beyond me.  Then again, she is crazy.  Bethany starts to freak out, and all of my friends create this buffalo herd around her, trying to block her from view, while another one of my friends went over to a brother (we were at a frat) and asked them if they could kick this girl out.

Now, this may seem a little extreme, but this girl stalked Bethany and pulled all this crazy shit.  Also, we were at a band frat, and since you know, we're all actually in the band if a non-bandie (crazy ex-girlfriend) pulls something with a bandie (Bethany) then regardless of whether or not they're in the frat, their face is getting handed to them.  So the crazy girl was kicked out, but thankfully things didn't return to their boring selves.  After that one little piece of drama, the whole night started to look up from there.  As bad as drama is, sometimes it gives a party that little kick it needs which transforms a lame party into an awesome one.

P.S. My friend Sarah's "number" totally went up.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Running After Buses is NEVER Fun

Alright, so I'm pretty sure I've mentioned my hatred for buses before.  For those who haven't read that, here's the quick recap: I hate buses, trains are better.  So last night I went with a bunch of my friends to this tree lighting event in Downtown Pittsburgh.  It was pretty cool, I mean everything was decked out for Christmas, and I love Christmas.  There were some fireworks which were all right, I'm really not into them.  Too much noise for something pretty in my opinion.  Anyway, after the fireworks were over, like directly after, my friends decided it would be a good idea to basically sprint to a bus stop so that we could catch a bus early.  Smart idea, right?  It was smart, except when you're far behind the rest of the group, then its just annoying.

So somehow, I ended up being that person.  Not because I was slow, more because everyone just took off when I wasn't paying attention.  The worst part of this race, aside from not knowing where I was going (I don't know my way around Downtown Pittsburgh), was sprinting across the street and almost getting run over.

My friend Nick was leading our part of the pack, and he decides to try and make a yellow.  Understandable, except by this point I was at least ten feet behind everyone else.  There was no way I was making it.  I even waited at the corner, because by the time I got to the intersection the light had gone red.  But no, this other guy Chris was like waving me on, telling me basically to run for it.  So me being me awkwardly sprinted across the street and tried not to get hit by a car.  Thanks Nick, for almost killing me. =)

P.S. We made the bus and got seats, which was good because it was beyond PACKED!  At least the running was for something.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Alright, I'm sure most people have bingo before and I'm sure the same amount has lost at the same game. I don't know what it is about bingo that makes it impossible to win at.  Maybe it's the fact that there's really no skill in it.  You've just got to pick a good card and hope for the best.  I mean, I guess you could bribe those annoying ball callers and get them to call just your numbers, but that just seems like a lot to go through for a silly game of bingo.

I am terrible at bingo, I never win.  My luck refuses to give into silly games, it saves me when I really need it. Like that time last week where I almost face planted walking down a hill, but didn't because I miraculously caught myself.  Luck, I thank you for not making a fool out of myself then.

Today, must have been the day when it decided for once to give into bingo's clutches, because somehow I won!  I was so happy and surprised.  I mean come one, who really wins at bingo?  It definitely made me forget that I was mad at Vimeo and Final Cut Pro for purposefully not cooperating with me and making my film project a mess.

P.S. I won the first season of Big Bang Theory.  Awesome? I think so.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane + Broken Blinds Makes My Roommate Snap

Hurricane Sandy is upon the east coast of America.  I'm really not that far east currently, but it's still very rainy and windy here.  So rainy, that it caused my roommate Marley to snap, literally.  The weather is disgusting out, and to exaggerate her point at how crappy the weather is she goes to open the blinds.  Well more like she pulls the cord as hard as she could, because she was that angry.  The string snapped, and our blind cord is now broken.  This just brought her over the edge.

Next thing I know she's screaming, cursing the world out, then crying on the floor, and then finally she pushed over our chair.  Don't worry, she's fine now.  Honestly, we both laughed at how over-the-top and dramatic it all was.  Literally, if I showed you a video of what just went down in our living room you'd be dying.  She was just overwhelmed by everything that was going on in her life.

It's clear that one little thing can really push you overboard.

P.S. I promise she's not insane.  She just has a short temper is all.

I love Halloween and Drunk People

So this past weekend was Halloween weekend, at least for my friends and I.  Next week, we're off to Notre Dame and Chicago for a football game.  But anyways, I absolutely love Halloween.  Its the one day a year where you can dress up like a fool (or in most girls (not me) cases you can dress like a slut) and it's okay.  Its fun to be another person or character for a day.  One of my friends Danielle dressed up as Fran Drescher from the Nanny.  She's pretty shy, so maybe it was the alcohol, but she was hysterical.  She kept trying to do Fran's accent, and acted like her.  I was dying.

Anyways, for Halloween this year I dressed up Dorothy.  I had a blue dress in my closet that looked similar to the dress she wears, and over the summer I made these sparkly red heels, they're pretty legit lol.  I also had a little beanie baby dog to serve as my Toto.

My roommate and I went out to this party in our costumes, and my Big comes up to me drunk as a skunk.  She and her other Little were dressed as a team from The Legend of the Hidden Temple.  She asks me who I am, and I tell her I'm Dorothy.  She's like "Oh right!" seeing my shoes.  Then she drunkenly asks if Marley is supposed to be Toto.  I literally bust out laughing, because Marley is not dressed up like a dog at all.  I have no idea where she pulled that out from.  It was probably the funniest thing of the night.  Marley, while horrified by this remark, also thought it was hysterical.  Halloween + Drunk People = a good time!

Happy Halloween Everyone =)

P.S. Marley was a flapper, she had the feather and all.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Okay, so even though my title is something that involves winning at Blackjack I did not win any money.  However, I did make a chicken dinner today!  Lame, I know.

But hey, I'm in college.  The usual college dinner is either Easy Mac that you make in the microwave, or crappy campus food.  A semi-home cooked meal is a huge step up from all of that, plus its chicken.  As my aunt always says, you can never go wrong with chicken.  My roommate Marley and I had so much left over, more than we knew  what to do with so we made a fake menu for our friends to chose from in attempt to get rid of it.  Our menu's pretty awesome and over priced, but hey that's why they call it Fine Dining.

P.S. My friend Flute Jim (yes, I call him that) was our only customer =(

Friday, September 7, 2012

That Awkward Moment When...the bus door closes on you

Today, the strangest thing happened to me.  I was getting on the bus to go food shopping and as I'm walking up the stairs the doors start to close in on me.  I swear I almost got stuck in between them, it was so strange.   Apparently the bus driver didn't see me or at least that's the excuse he gave when he closed the bus doors on me.  He either did not see me or the buses hate me almost as much as I hate them.  I'm short, so he probably didn't see me, but this only gives me a reason to hate these buses more.

I've always liked trains more then buses.  They just make more sense and stop at every stop they are supposed to make.  Traffic doesn't get in the way either and trains hardly get delayed unless another one derailed or some thing is wrong with the tracks.  Trains just make more sense.

P.S. My dad has an obsession with trains, clearly some of that has rubbed off on me.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day, such a great day if you think about it.  Not only do you get off a day from school (I started school a week earlier than most), but it hopefully marks the end of summer.  Don't get me wrong, I love summer.  It's great, mostly because I'm not in school, but I cannot stand the heat.  I die without air conditioning, it's the best thing in the word.

Unfortunately, today is the first full day I've gone without air conditioning seeing as how it broke last night.  My roommate and I blame it on our friend Cass, but apparently half the building's broke too.  Unless he went on a rampage last night, we can't really say its his fault anymore.  I miss it so much though, I don't know how I'm going to get through the night without dying. Kill me now!

P.S. This is super delayed

Sunday, March 4, 2012

So hi, I guess I should start off by saying that this blog is going to note the small things that make each day different then the last.  Cause when looking on life it's always the little things that you remember.  The little things for some reason stick with us and change your perspective of your day.  They can make your day, break it or make it weird.  So here are the little things that stick out in my life.

So today is my first full day back home from college in almost two months.  It's Spring Break and I'm so excited to be back home and to see all my friends and family.  I go to school in Pittsburgh but I'm from Long Island and it takes eight hours to get home.  It's nice to be back, but anyways we were driving to this resturant and I found out they're building a Shake Shack like ten minutes away from my house.  I'm so excited, it made my day!  For those of you who don't know what a Shake Shack is, it's this burger place that has literally the best burger I've ever tasted!  I think they only have them in the New York, but honestly if you ever have the chance to go to one, go! It'll be such a good decision.

P.S. Their shakes are really good too.