Sunday, March 4, 2012

So hi, I guess I should start off by saying that this blog is going to note the small things that make each day different then the last.  Cause when looking on life it's always the little things that you remember.  The little things for some reason stick with us and change your perspective of your day.  They can make your day, break it or make it weird.  So here are the little things that stick out in my life.

So today is my first full day back home from college in almost two months.  It's Spring Break and I'm so excited to be back home and to see all my friends and family.  I go to school in Pittsburgh but I'm from Long Island and it takes eight hours to get home.  It's nice to be back, but anyways we were driving to this resturant and I found out they're building a Shake Shack like ten minutes away from my house.  I'm so excited, it made my day!  For those of you who don't know what a Shake Shack is, it's this burger place that has literally the best burger I've ever tasted!  I think they only have them in the New York, but honestly if you ever have the chance to go to one, go! It'll be such a good decision.

P.S. Their shakes are really good too.