Saturday, March 30, 2013

Misadventures at the Theatre

My college has this really cool program called PittArts.  Basically, you can sign up for an event and you go, sometimes they take you out for dinner.  Did I mention that it's all free? Yes, I said it FREE. I mean, we already paid for it in our tuition, but still.

Yesterday, I went with my two friends Nick and Bri to see this musical called Breath & Imagination.  It's based off a true story about this man named Roland Hayes.  It's okay if you've never heard of him, I didn't either before last night.  He was this African American man who was a famous singer, known for his unique voice and love for spirituals.  It was AMAZING.  Honestly, the actors were wickedly talented. There was so much gospel music in the show and it made me happy.  The best part was that after the show, PittArts had arranged a talk-back.  We got to ask the actors questions and learn more about the show.  The actors were hysterical and true theatre people.  I had a blast listening to them talk.  They kept making all these Dream Girls jokes and most people were laughing, but I'm pretty sure I was the one of the only ones who got the references.

Now, I say "Misadventures at the Theatre" because my clumsiness really kicked it into high gear last night.  I was tripping all over the place, it was not good.  Poor Bri, I not only stepped on her toe as I tripped back to my seat, but I also took out her knee when I fell backwards.  I don't know why they take me places, I only end up embarrassing myself.  The worst by far was when we were leaving the theatre.  The theatre was upstairs, so when we were leaving we had to walk down these stairs. I missed the bottom step and ended up crashing into the wall in front of me, banging into all these posters they had hung up on the wall.  Did I mention that I was leading the pack, so basically everyone saw me. Yup, not my brightest moment.

P.S. My heels were not the reason I had such a clumsy night.  Contrary to popular belief, I can actually walk in them thank you very much. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mama G and Her Lectures

There's always that one friend (maybe two) whose mom has become like your second mom.  For me, one of my best friend's mom Mrs. Gera, or as I like to call her Mama G, is that person.  She is Mo-Gera's mom and is one of the funniest people I've ever met.  She's a little crazy, gets excited over the smallest things, always there to talk, and has the greatest stories.  You got to love her.  The only down side of her being like my second mother is her lectures.

I visited Mo-Gera for the weekend and our parents came and met us for dinner.  On the way back to Mo-Gera's campus, we started talking about her relationship problems.  Big mistake, because at a certain point Mama G got fed up and started lecturing her.  Then she threw in a  "Becky, don't even get me started on you."  Which prompted me to tell her that my situation was completely different.  This did not go over well, because then she started lecturing and yelling at me.  It was so funny, just because she got so excited and had some great lines.  A few of them were, "I hope I never meet this guy, I'm going to hit him because he's just so dense!" "You're twenty years old goddammit, take some risks! Do something!  We want grandchildren!" That one was directed at both Mo-Gera and I.  We are notorious for never doing anything.

The kicker was that my mom was driving and had no idea how to get back to Mo-Gera's campus from where we were.  She didn't know where she was going and Mama G was supposed to be giving her directions.  Every once in a while she'd interrupt Mama G's rant to ask if this was the turn.  Mama G always replied, "No Linda.  Becky!!" Car rides with Mama G are always the best.

P.S. Thankfully, my mom didn't end up making any wrong turns and we didn't get lost.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Target Adventures

The people who you shop with drastically effect your shopping experience.  Sometimes you end up buying more than you thought or spend a ridiculous amount of time whatever store you're in.  Maybe both?  For me, when I shop with my friends, especially one of my best friends Mo-Gera, it turns into an adventure of some sorts.

Mo-Gera's friend Josephine picked me, her and our other friend Sabrina up for a quick Target run.  Josephine needed to buy some interview clothes, and tools for her broken bike.  The rest of us were tagging along just to spend time with her.  This quick Target run turned into a two hour adventure.  We ran all over the store doing random things.

First, there was this deal at Starbucks where the four of us all got free coffee.  I'm not a huge fan of coffee but it was free so I figured why not.  Terrible mistake, because while Mo-Gera, Josephine, and Sabrina finished with ease, my cup was like a never ending cup of coffee.  I know some of you probably think that that would be the greatest thing ever, but I died!  Me and coffee just don't mix well.

Then we looked at shoes.  Josephine and I tried on these super high pumps, and walked around like models.  It was like a shoe fashion show.  I may or may not have been sprawled out on the floor demonstrating Mo-Gera in heels.  She claims that's where she'll be if she had tried on the heels we were wearing.  These shoes got us into trouble later when Josephine tried to checkout with them.  There was no tag on them, and it took FOREVER to get a price check on them.  Just our luck, something always happens.

P.S. Don't judge me, but I ended up throwing out my never ending coffee. 

P. P. S.  In regards to my last post, look what I woke up to the morning after I blogged.  Curse you Marley!
Revenge never sleeps I guess.