Tuesday, February 12, 2013

White Rabbit Kind of Day

I have a terrible habit of being fashionably late.  It's a trait that runs in my family.  We are always the last ones to arrive at parties and events.  Miraculously, we manage to make it on time to concerts and shows, but everything else you can bet that we're late.  I've personally tried to be a little better about it, but everyone once in a while I slip back into the old habit.  I feel like the white rabbit, especially today, because when I'm running late I literally run to wherever it is I have to be.

I take this class that's a good ten to fifteen minutes away from my apartment.  It takes me at least twenty to walk there and seven minutes by bus (it all depends on the lights).  I try to leave a half hour early just to get there, but sometimes that doesn't always happen.  I get really distracted really quickly, sometimes it's unavoidable like when I lose my ID or phone, but sometimes it's really stupid.  Like today, I was working on this piece I was writing and I was one sentence away from finishing it and I was supposed to be leaving for my class.  Me being me decides to take the extra minute to finish, worst decision ever.  The minute turns into seven and it took me an extra three to get out the door. God only knows how it took my seven minutes to write ONE SENTENCE, but it did.  I ran (really walked as fast as I could) down the block to the bus stop and prayed that for once that the buses would be on my side.  They weren't and I was a good ten minutes late...

P.S. I came really close to saying "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date, no time to say "Hello, Goodbye," I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"  Yes, I'm that special...

P.P.S. I also dodged a bullet today, it was awesome and terrible all at the same time.

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